Northern Illinois is naturally home to a vast array of perennial plants, woody shrubs and trees. With habitat loss, soil degradation and the popularity of non-native plants in landscape design, Planted Green’s aim is to help homeowners traverse a new path for regeneration. Designs are created with native plants and beneficial native cultivars. We apply practices that conserve natural resources to every design.
Clients are coached through various green practices, such as: composting, rain barrels and the implementation of rain gardens. This helps keep and re-purpose all organic matter on the property. Gardens are designed with plant diversity and "green mulching" to mimic native plant communities. In this way, gardens are built to enhance wildlife habitats as well as bring beauty and texture to landscapes large and small.
Planted Green sources native plants grown locally as well as from neighboring states. Gardens are amended with organic compost and locally sourced leaf mulch to build healthy soils. All stewardship is done without gas powered tools or synthetic fertilizers and teaches landowners how to "leave the leaves". We take great pride in leading clients through the process of relearning how to landscape and taking part of being the change for a greener community.
Planted Green is owned and operated by certified Master Naturalist Sara Strother.
“If half of American lawns were replaced with native plants, we would create the equivalent of a 20 million acre national park, nine times bigger than Yellowstone, or 100 times bigger than Shenandoah National Park.”
-Doug Tallamy
Visit Doug Tallamy’s educational website and plan to add your home landscape to the Homegrown National Park Map.
All installations by Planted Green qualify to join the movement!